A month had passed by, things were all going smooth. Eun Hye was busy with her clinic, Ae Ra was engaged in her photoshoots. They hadn't planned any meet up since then.
But yes, Eun Hye had started loosing it. Her resistance. Because she had told her brain not to think about him.. it kept on thinking about him. Well, it's a well known saying that if you say no to something, it bugs you even more. That was happening.. though she was just so busy that she was also ignoring the feeling and putting it off.
But today, a patient suddenly cancelled his appointment and she got some idle time. She was scrolling through her phone when she remembered about a friend..who was practicing law and probably criminal as far as Eun Hye remembered. She immediately rang her up.
"Hi Nora! How are you?"
"Hi Eun Hye!! I am good. How are you doing? Long time!"
"Yes. Well.. how are things at your end? Still working at that famous law firm?"
"Yeah. Everything is fine. Is your clinic doing well?"
"Yes.. actually.. I called you to ask something. You are into criminal law, right?"
"Yes yes, tell me."
"Has there been a case of a man who claimed he was Adam and raped a few women calling them Eve?"
"Oh.. that famous artist. Yes it happened some eight years ago. But he escaped the police and we were forced to stay put on that case."
"You were? Did you investigate that case?"
"Yeah. Unfortunately."
"Can you share some details on that person.. as in, his photograph?"
"Well.. why do you ask if you can tell me.."
"Uhm, actually a person visited my clinic a few days ago and he also said something similar.. my staff felt it was him.. if you could share his picture, then we would be able to decide whether or not to take his case." She made up a story.
"Oh.. is that so.. someone claiming similarly... Fine then, okay I will share the details but can you please update me if it was him or not.. only then can I-"
"Oh sure. That's a given."
"Fine then. Goodbye. I'll send it to you right away." They ended the call.
Eun Hye laid her back on the chair just then her naver showed a notification. Nora had shared a picture.
Eun Hye crossed her fingers, praying for the good and opened the messenger.
"My god!" Ae Ra was right. It was indeed him. The Adam she met was really a criminal. Eun Hye was expecting it but still she was disgusted.. gravely disappointed.
She calculated, " so.. he escaped to Jeju eight years ago and lived an aloof life. The Bishop's words must've made him believe that he is Adam and he has to find his Eve.. thus every pretty girl became his Eve and he ultimately raped them?! Is that it?"
She was thinking to herself when the door of her cabin opened, "Don't yet get to the conclusions.. maybe he was unlawfully accused?" Bon Hwa was watching a kdrama on his phone as he entered.
"Bon Hwa!!!! How many times did I tell you not to watch dramas while you are working.. you just don't listen." She scolded.
"Yes ma'am. Actually I was waiting for this episode since a week.. the story is really intriguing... Would you like to watch it too?" He asked.
"No. Why did you come here?"
"Right. I was ringing your telephone but you didn't answer. So I came myself... There's a patient waiting outside.. do I send him in?"
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