He bent down and lifted her up in a swing. Her legs in his one hand and upper body in the other... Eun Hye was shocked.. totally dumbstruck!!! She did try to resist, kicking her legs in air.. but till then he had reached inside his house..
Sang je, the wild looking beast was really a neat man. His place looked like no one really lived there, everything was perfectly organized and placed in their right places. Eun Hye was already impressed by his neat-cut hair look that were gelled recently.
The idiom suits here very well, "Don't judge the book by its cover."
But how dare he lift her like a baby?!?!?
"Youuu!! How dare you touch me Sang je?!?" She was practically shouting, though she was still in his arms. Sang je feigning ignorance took her inside a room.
"You'll dig a hole on my face if you continue to stare me like that... Look around this room." Sang je said softly.
"What now--" before she could complete her sentence, her eyes rolled around the room's walls... "Magnificent!" She unknowingly exclaimed while dropping off his arms. Sang je was smiling behind her.
The huge walls of the room were all covered with paintings.. they weren't just paintings but...
"My god!" Eun Hye forgot to even blink her eyes..
"I have seen all of these scenes... I have dreamt of everything you have painted here.. goodness.. h..o..w is this possible! Sang je pinch me.. I think I am still dreaming!"
Sang je came closer from behind and pinched her, "You are not dreaming Eve." He whispered in her ears.
"But .. how could this be true?!?!? I am so confused Sang je. Who are you?" She asked.
"I am Adam. Your Adam."
"No, I can't understand a word right now, let me calm down.. can you bring me a glass of water?"
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