"Hey, Ae Ra." Eun Hye was too happy today... she even forgot what excuse she had made to escape from Seoul.
"Weren't you supposed to be at your dad's? Where are you?" Ae Ra sounded super angry.
"Wait. Gosh! How did you know?"
"I called at your place because your phone was unreachable... Just where are you girl??!!!!" Ae Ra was worried sick..
There was no reply from Eun Hye's side.. utter silence .. like she was no more on the call..."Hello Eun Hye??!! Can you hear me? Are you there...?"
"I will c..a..ll y..ou ba..ck.. Ae Ra." Her words were shivering. She was totally dumbstruck by whom she saw on her way back to Hyun-ki's place...
"Hello Eun Hye.. hello..what just happened... Eun Hye.." Ae Ra was shouting on the phone but in vain, Eun Hye had already disconnected the call.
Ae Ra sat down with a thump. Unable to understand what was going on... She held her throbbing head in both her palms... Everything was going blank.. what was going on with Eun Hye, where was she.. Ae Ra just had no clue!!
It was Man-shik. Eun Hye had no idea why was Man shik there. Seeing him she was reminded back of all those rumours.. her fears and disappointments.. everything that she was escaping from.
"Uhm.. you.. w..ere.. y..ou.. following me?"
"Yeah. Actually I saw you going around with a guy.. I tracked you and found you here, madam." He smiled. His smile made Eun Hye uneasy.. very uneasy..
"Why was he following me.. what are his intentions.. did that Adam assign him behind me? Are they tracking me somehow..?" She thought to herself. Her mind went haywire.
She had only two options right now --- fight or flight!
She chose flight... Without letting a second pass, she started running.. in the opposite direction to where she was headed...
Man-shik couldn't understand why she ran.. he followed.. "hey madam, wait... What happened?"
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