Eun Hye is perfectly seated in her cabin, lost in her own thoughts.
The window beside her supply the bright sun beams in that ground floor cabin. Her clinic's ceiling holds a 2-storey building on its head. The Dentist above her was one of her ex-s. And the florist named, Su Ya, stationed above him, is the dentist's current girlfriend.
Once Eun Hye loses romantic affection in somebody, then she has the talent of making them good friends. Introducing them to beautiful girls, hanging out with is all normal for her. She holds no grudges. She herself suggested the dentist too, to try it out with Su Ya.
This amiable person has her own way to let go of everything. But why?? Just why can't she forget that day, that man in Modo and specially that Adam-Eve story? She could very well comprehend the psychologies of others but her own.
While she was busy with herself, she received a call..
"Hello! I am Adam."
"Oh.." Her backbone straightened, a shy-smile uncontrollably spilling out of her lips, "Hi Adam. How are you doing?"
"I am doing well. How was your day today, madam?" his response sounded a little formal.
"Well. It was good. I had a lot of patients today. But, how did you find my number?" her excitement was audible.
"It was on your card..." he was continuing but Eun Hye interrupted him, "Right, I gave it to you. What do you want to say?"
"Madam, I am calling from the chemist's shop newly opened near the cross road. We would like to offer a special discount to all of your patients if they buy our medicines. Plus, you'd be able to.." Agitated at that, Eun hye impatiently exclaimed, "I am busy right now. Please contact the clinic's reception."
What was she expecting.. and what happened...
"Uufff...How embarrasing!!" She drooped her face on the desk. "Adam..Adamm....god! Who is he to trouble me!!" her fists were punching the desk..
"Adam?" a boy with an innocent face-cut had entered the room while she was muttering to herself.
She rose up to face him, "NO.. nothing. What ..what is it? No more appointments for today, right?"
"Well there is one patient. Her name is Ms Eun Hye. She indulges in self talking and hurts herself sometimes. Can you treat her?"
"No, she is an impossible case. I would dare not take her case!"
"Then, there's no more work today. You can leave doctor. Please get some rest today!" He bowed to her.
"Thank you for your hard work. I'll be off then. Goodbye." she bowed back and moved ahead towards the cabin door.
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